Friday, July 30, 2010

Hypsometric Map

This hypsometric map is a 3-dimensional representation of the Curua river. It uses shading to show relief in detail. It gives the viewer a good idea of slope, but does not offer numeric values for elevation or depth.

PLSS map

This is a PLSS map of Franklin County, Alabama. It shows townships and ranges.

Cadastral map

This cadastral map shows Delaware County, Ohio. It separates property in the county and outlying areas. images/cadastral_map.jpg

Nazi Propaganda Map

This is a propaganda map used by the Nazis to exaggerate the threat of an invasion by Czechoslovakia. It shows that almost all of Europe is at risk for air invasion.

Dot distribution map

This map shows known locations of Southern Field Cricket populations in dot distribution format. It is possible to see concentrations of the species in the southeast using this map.

Proportional circle map of Missouri River

This proportional circle map shows river depth by means of circle size and water color by color shades of the circles. The data collected by Lewis and Clark can be displayed on one understandable map by using proportional circles.

Isoline Map of East China water transfer area

This isoline map shows a water transfer area in East China. The lines represent annual runoff depths of the area.

Consumption Cartogram

This is a cartogram that represents consumption values of countries. The area of the countries is stretched to show relative amount of consumption.

Migration Flow Map

This is a flow map that shows migration patterns to California and New York. The amount of people migrating to these areas are shown by the thickness of the lines connecting the states. It can be inferred that more people move to New York from Eastern states, while California attracts people from all over the U.S.

Burglary Statistics Map

This map shows burglary statistics in the city of Denver. The shades indicate an increase, decrease, or no change in burglary rates for 2002. The values of how much of a change occurred are displayed in the neighborhoods.

B&W Aerial Photograph

In this black and white aerial photograph, buildings, trees, and natural water features are easily distinguishable. This is due in part to the high resolution and scale, but the black and white format makes these attributes visible also.

Aerial Infrared Photo

This infrared aerial photograph shows Tupper Lake, NY. It is shown on a website promoting the area to businesses and guests. The roads and developed areas are easy to distinguish in this photo, making it very useful in this situation.

Doppler radar image

This doppler radar image clearly shows the bands of Hurricane Andrew in 1992 in the Miami area. The colors show the intensity of different parts o the storm.

Lidar image of Ground Zero

This is an image of the World Trade Center site taken shortly after the bombing, using a LIDAR camera. Depth and altitude are visible and clear.


This image of Northern Europe/Greenland shows air pressure in the form of isobars. The lines link areas of similar air pressure.

Isohyetal Map

This map of Australia shows areas of equal precipitation in the country. It is used in this context to explore areas of erosion.


This image shows isotachs and
streamlines in the North American region. The isotachs, shown by the lines in the image, are connecting areas of equal wind speed.

Digital Raster Graphic

This is a DRG (digital raster graphic), a scanned map that is georeferenced.


This map of the U.S. is used by the EPA to determine the amount of acid rain in areas of the country. The colors and numbers shows pH levels in the rain taken in 1999.


This is a DLG (digital line graphic) from USGS. A DLG is an image derived from USGS maps.

Continuously variable proportional circle map

This is a series of maps showing parts per million of zinc of a river. The size of the circles is proportional to the amount of zinc at each sampling station.


This is a digitalorthoimageryquarter quadrangle(DOQQ) image of Washington D.C. It combines the qualities of an aerial photograph with the georeferencing of a map.


digital elevation model is of Antartica. It is a visual representation of the elevation of the area using shading.

Range graded proportional circle map

This is a simple image of a range graded proportional circle map. The area of the circles correspond to the data set the map is showing. The size of the circles has a direct relationship to the data, which is not grouped.

Classed Choropleth

This classed choropleth map shows the relationship of males to females according to the 2000 census data. The classes are darker as the percentage of males to females is larger.

Bivariate Choropleth

This is a bivariate choropleth map combines life expectancy and income rates in Africa. The data is from 1989, and shows places of extreme poverty and low life expectancy in light gray.

Unclassed Choopleth

This unclassed choropleth map uses a full range of shading. There are no classes to correlate the data to.

Lorenz Curve

A Lorenz curve showing the area of inequality in the relationship between percent of population and percent of income.

Bilateral Graph

A bilateral graph shows the relationship between two variables. This graph shows the relationship between the controls of a robotic device and the movement caused by those controls.


This scatterplot is a volcano plot, based on the values from a t-test. The data points go in two directions since the data is based on a log function.

Index Value Plot

This index value plot shows the relationship between what is considered normal streamflow and actual values. The index used is the average streamflow index and values are compared to it along the center line.

Steam and Leaf

This stem and leaf plot organizes a list of data about infant mortality rates in Western Africa. The data is organized by stem (the first digit), and then by leaf (the corresponding digits). It is then possible to see how many samples share the same first digit, and also what the other digit are.


This is a simple example of a boxplot. As used in this example, it shows statistics in a graphic manner that represents the median and range. The asterisks represent outlying data.

Wind Rose

wind rose represents wind speed and direction at a location. The size of the bars represents speed and the location shows direction.

Population Profile

This population profile compares life expectancy in populations with and without AIDS. Data is categorized by age group.


climograph of Memphis, Tn. The temperature data is shown with a line graph, while the precipitation is shown with a bar graph.

Parallel Coordinate graph

This parallel coordinate graph is used to track baseball stats. It is used to graph many variables at once, and shows trends in hits, homeruns, etc.


This histogram shows the frequency of the difference between observed and expected UV indexes at a particular location.

Soil Pyramid

This soil pyramid is an example of a triangle plot. It graphs three distinct variables at once. This plot is used to determine what a soil is characterized as based on composition.

Correlation Matrix

The correlation matrix shows not only similarities in two data sets, but the degree to which they are similar. It is shown in this matrix using color intensity for higher or lower values.

Similarity Map

corresponding data in a way that is easy to compare and find where the two data sets intersect.

Star Map

The star plot is used to display data with multiple variables. It is possible to see the distance from zero that each variable goes and determine the variable with the most effect. This star plot is used for oil technologies.

Thematic Map

A thematic map is a type of map or chart especially designed to show a particular theme connected with a specific geographic area. These maps can portray physical, social, political, cultural, economic, sociological, agricultural, or any other aspects of a city, state, region,nation , or continent.

Topograpghic Map

A topographic map is a type of map characterized by large-scale detail and quantitative representation of relief, usually using contour lines in modern mapping, but historically using a variety of methods.

Planimetric map

Map features show roadway feature details as roads, sidewalks, streets, highways and alleys including curb lines, edge of paved surfaces or edge of traveled way, and general feature details as building footprints, reservoirs, tanks, docks, piers, airports, bridges, overpasses, underpasses, railroads, parking lots, driveways, other impervious surfaces, streams, lakes, drainage courses, holding basins, shorelines, other watercourses, vegetation outlines, elevations, fence lines, drainage, and other similar construction or terrain features.

Mental Map

A person's perception of the world is known as a mental map. A mental map is an individual's own internal map of their known world.